lololo kok ada 2 ya...........
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Udah lama bgt ya ga update blog + buka blog ini XD wahh followersnya lumayan banyak :) thanks ya all yg udah follow! :3 karena menjadi KPOPERS aku jadi jrang ke anime dan manga tapi tetep suka komik ^^ dan tentu gambar!! ok semenjak jadi penyuka korean pop aku jadi suka gambar fanart :D (fanart: karya yg dibuat fans suatu artis/anime/band) dan ini diaa~~ ya buat yg ga tau tentang kpop dia itu zhoumi member super junior M :) dan ini ORANG ASLI dari fanartku xD ya dia orang aslinya :3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fanartku yg kedua yaitu EUNHYUK dari super junior :D berikut fanartnyaa nah ini ORANG ASLI dari fanartkuu ^^ dia orang aslinyaaa dan fanartku yg kedua ini telah membuatku sangat bahagia (?) karena di jadiin avatar sama fanbase kpop dari england >_< @sup3rjunior (bisa dicari dari twitter) ini buktinyaa yang pasti ya seneng bgt lihatnyaa pertama kali haha dari england lagi ^-^ *ka...
It is 2017 now...
Hello, so basically this blog is my really old blog. I made this when I was in the first grade of junior high school. This blog contains everything about my drawing (looool). You can found many random writings here, also somethings about Japan. MY INNOCENT WRITING TOO. Note that //cries. I stopped posting someday because of some reasons and start to write one post again in 2013, I was still in high school. The post is about me being so happy met kangin and donghae from super junior LOL. I forgot that I still could open this blog, I always remember that I couldn't open it, lmao sorry. So today I just happened to sign in a wrong gmail, then I see this hahaha. Thank you everyone who commented on my posts, sorry I'm not replying I am not opening my blog for long time... Before this officially become my blog again, I just open a new blog. Maybe I will close that blog and re post the post there here (glad it just one post tho). I feel sad if I didn't continue writing in ...